Thursday, November 8, 2012

Jodi Piccoult

I have recently been devouring all things Jodi Piccoult...her books are so good.  Great stories, important and relevant issues, and her writing completely draws me in.  Here are a few of the books I've read:

Harvesting the Heart

Vanishing Acts

Change of Heart

Keeping Faith

When I find an author I like, I just go on a binge...

Previous binges were Nicholas Sparks, Jane Greene, and Sophie Kinsella.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Read & Share: The Ultimate DVD Bible - Volume 2 by Gwen Ellis

This very cute children's Bible was an instant hit for my 4 year old son. The pictures used vivid colors with just the right amount of words to keep his attention. Each story was only 2 pages long and had a question at the end of each story to keep him interested. Each of the stories tied in to the other and so when my son wanted to continue on with the story, I was more than willing to comply. Stories were from both the Old Testament and New Testament.

The DVDs are an added bonus because you get 2 DVDs with the Bible. The DVDs say the exact same things at the book and the cartoons are the same pictures from the Bible. It was a great way to reinforce what we read along with watching the stories.

The Bible stories and DVD are most appropriate for children ages 4+.

To comply with new federal regulations by the Federal Trade Commission, I must disclose that I have been provided with a complimentary copy of this book through Booksneeze. The opinions are also my own.